Monthly Archives: September 2021

Eating Disorders

We’ve all stepped on a scale and thought “Whoa…ok maybe I shouldn’t have had that last donut” Those are normal thoughts. We are our harshest critics and are far more likely to look at our bodies and see those 5 pounds that we need to lose where no one else sees anything. It’s ok to […]

Fear Not

Think for moment about a time when you were afraid. Maybe you saw something violent. Maybe it was a spider or an amphibian that you were scared might bite you. Maybe you narrowly missed getting hit by a car. You probably noticed some changes in your body. Your heart was beating hard and fast. Maybe […]


Anxiety, we’ve all felt it. The knot in your stomach, turning thoughts over and over in your head. Wondering if you said the right thing, offended someone, or if you should have said or done something different to change what did or didn’t happen. Remember when you used the wrong word and your friend got […]

What is Self-Care?

We’ve heard this phrase thrown about a great deal “self-care.” But what is self-care really and how does that apply to our mental wellbeing? Self-care is defined as “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health:” That means prioritizing ourselves and putting an effort into maintaining our emotional and mental state. […]